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Tony McAuslan

Tony is an internationally recognised Digital Content and Communications Specialist, having returned  to Brisbane from London after having held senior management level roles in marketing and communications with a variety of Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, and listed company Boards.  This includes Rothschilds Investment Group U.K., TABCORP, Prospera Australia Investment Fund #7, Momentum Cloud Technologies, McDonald + Hart, Digital Cloud Investments, George Patterson Advertising,  and International Game Technology.

These days, Tony’s primary focus is on assisting companies improve and repackage their message, relaunch or re-set their marketing strategies, develop new brands or business units, or present themselves better to government or even acquisition. He has extensive experience in conceiving, producing, and deploying marketing collateral & content across all above and below the line media platforms. He has been an advisor to some of the world’s largest Venture Capital firms in both the U.S. and Europe, as well as being a Founder and CEO of several start-ups.  He is a Board Advisor and mentor to some of Australia’s most successful start-ups, as well as being a regular speaker and mentor at the University of Wollongong’s Centre for Innovation.

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